Showing posts with label homeless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeless. Show all posts

Monday, 22 August 2022

Twisted Truths, Malevolent Morals

 There are fewer twisted truths than those of a home-wrecker. Just ask Beatriz Grimaldi

who uses Bologna as a base to hunt, prey, target and groom older men to leave their families. 

Elevating herself to be some kind of worshipped "artist", this is a woman who is unknown except as a ruthless  home-wrecker and liar. 

Beatriz Grimaldi considers herself above everyone and everything - why? Simply because she can fool everyone with twisted truths, also known as lies. 

Having written a couple of short stories about women who lose everything in life, it was her intention to put that into practice, i.e. making a woman lose everything in life. That cold malevolence is what you find behind the act of being an "artist". Usurping another woman's home and life, flaunting her actions and then crying out WOLF! WOLF! in sheep's clothing. 

A female narcissist like no other, this woman sets out to destroy lives, then plays victim of her own actions. There is no limit to her lies. As long as she can manipulate the public, while hiding the truth of what she does, that is enough for her. No ethics, no morals necessary. 

Female narcissists tend to want what others have and spare no thought for the damages they may cause. In the case of Beatriz Grimaldi, grooming a married man to leave his family, dishing out "advice" about his private life (where she never was) is all good practice. However, she was caught lying - lying about wanting "discretion" when flaunting her success of driving the man away from his family. Twisted truths. The truth of images and the lies of a narcissist. 

Yet this woman still considers herself above everyone and all ethics. Strident and overemphasising her "importance", she stops at nothing until cold blood is imprinted on her hands. Because she knows the truth beneath the lies. She knows what she did that summer. She knows. 

There may be few perfect marriages, few marriages that never have rough patches. 

That does not justify the actions of a home-wrecker who operates internationally. Intentionally and knowing exactly what she is doing. 

Twisted truths. Home-wreckers such as Beatriz Grimaldi will scream and squirm, twisting truths to their advantage, pretending to be victims when in fact they are responsible for destroying lives. 

Female narcissists are never accountable. 

Female narcissists thrive by twisted truths and the lies they spin. 

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Why Work?


 Why work when you can simply do as this Beatriz Grimaldi who hunts, preys, targets and grooms older men to leave their families?

Beatriz Grimaldi spends months grooming older men to leave their families. Then, despite being unemployed, rushes to catch a flight to meet them. And beg for more trips. 

This woman knows exactly what she is doing; she knows the older man has a family and a partner/wife but that does not stop her. She will spend months "advising" him about family affairs she has never witnessed nor truthfully knows about. It does not matter to her. Beatriz Grimaldi considers herself above all that. What is important is that she succeeds in influencing the man to treat his partner/wife like garbage, to the point of kicking her out of her own home - and in the midst of a global pandemic no less. 

Meanwhile she will continue travelling with him, paid for by him and continue influencing him . What follows after stealing the family home away from the partner/wife who owns 50% ?

Threats. And more threats, After flaunting what she has done on SM - where she catches her prey - she will scream out for police, lawyers and threats. The truth cannot be known. Whoever knows the truth must have be put in prison, far, far away where whoever knows the truth can be silenced forever. 

Off with her head! Off with her head!

That is what Beatriz Grimaldi who uses Bologna as a base , is like. She is above all morality, above everyone. The self proclaimed "artist" who considers herself untouchable and for whom rules and ethics do not apply.  An "artist" who boasts about unfocused images being "art" because they capture the shadow of a lover who she stole from another woman. Art??? 

Beatriz Grimaldi's "art" is being a professional home-wrecker and gold digger. Her "art" is lying, hiding evidence after publicly boasting about it. Her "art" is usurping the lives of other women. 

Why work? 

Why be honest?

No need. 

Live off men. Sleep with older men to achieve social status and benefits. Destroy the lives of others because it suits you .  Usurp the life of another woman, take her husband, take her home, then after boasting and flaunting it all, cry out with threats to silence those who know the truth.  Do everything to silence those who know the truth. 

No need to work. 

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi and Mirrors of Deceit


Mirror, Mirror on the wall,

Who's the meanest of them all?

Perhaps another question would be, who is the most dangerous liar of them all.  For when a woman grooms a married man to leave his family, and then screams out "victimhood" after flaunting publicly what she did, there doesn't seem to be much truth in being a "victim". 

Unless it is a warped mirror of warped truths, which in the world of some people would make sense - as long as they are supported by their sycophants and the benefits those bring. 

Female narcissists such as Beatriz Grimaldi may consider themselves above everyone and all ethics. Advising men to leave their families, rushing to meet a married man and then convincing him to take his partner's home away, may all be fine for such females. 

But is it ethical? In particular for a person who claims to be interested in homeless women, Beatriz Grimaldi took pleasure in making another woman - who she never met - homeless. 

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the greatest liar of them all? 

With a warped sense of self-importance, overbearing in her claims of fame and insatiable self validation, manipulative and with a complete lack of empathy for those she harms, female narcissists such as Beatriz Grimaldi are no "victims". They simply do not want to be accountable for the harm they do. And Beatriz Grimaldi knew exactly what she was doing (even though she "giggled sweetly" and it was so "cute" according to Harri Mutka) . 

Warped mirrors do not reflect truths. 

Warped mirrors reflect warped minds. 

Friday, 2 July 2021

Sex Addictions - Harri Mutka and Addictions


Beatriz Grimaldi, the woman who picking up old married men on FB and Instagram is a game, a thrill so long as the men pay for her trips and holidays. 

A woman who has no problem in destroying the lives of others as long as she gets paid. A woman who will pretend and lie to get what she wants, regardless of the lives she destroys, especially women's lives. A woman who claims to care about homeless women but she herself makes women homeless.

Cold,  calculating, acting with precision to achieve her aims, nothing stops her and her pretence of being "innocent". She knew all the time what she was doing. 

Beatriz Grimaldi is the "artist" in Bologna who is a predator of old men for her own pleasure and gain. Wrapped in lies, there are no limits to what she will do. 

And then there is Harri Mutka. An architect in Tampere, addicted to porn, addicted to using and abusing women. His history of women is nothing short of that. Ask the mother of his children in Tampere. Ask his ex-wife who tried killing him with a long kitchen knife - what were her reasons? How did Harri Mutka drive her to that point? After all, he paid for her and her 2 daughters. 

Yet Harri Mutka plays the game of being "innocent", a "victim" of women. 


He exploited his ex-partner. He made her ill, abandoned her when she was ill with depression and proceeded in gaslighting her, mentally and emotionally abusing her in every possible way. 

He played his game with ease and sophistication. One day he was pleasant while the next day he would watch as she prepared meals for him that he would not touch. He spoke of the future, taking into account her working schedule, then ignored it all by not returning home. 

He refused to answer calls, even when his daughter who was studying in Stockholm was hospitalised. Harri Mutka is well controlled by Beatriz Grimaldi as long as he continues paying for her trips and holidays. 

People such as these, addicted to harming others, hurting others, exploiting others should be known. 

When the world is burning up with so much pain, individuals such as these have no rights to cause further pain. It is not leaving an older woman for a younger woman - that is a common cliche. It is the abuse that Harri Mutka inflicts on women and then tries to hide. 

Harri Mutka - The Empty Architect in Tampere, Finland


This is the image he sent on his way to Paris. 

This is the face he hid, joyful, as he was going to meet up with the woman who had picked him on FB and Instagram. 

This is the man who lied about his trip to Paris. 

He was supposed to spend 3 weeks in Paris, had even promised a trip to Denmark in September, but that was never to be. 

Just as returning, was never to be. 

Harri Mutka did return but only after bullying and threatening his partner of years, out of their home. A home of which she owns 50%. A home which was supposed to be sold, yet isn't. 


Because Harri Mutka is only interested in a quick sale to cover his debts and to keep paying for his Brazilian pick in Italy. It suits Harri Mutka to have a woman pick him in Italy - this is not new. 

Harri Mutka, in all his cowardness and pride in being a bully, also is known for being cheap. He was always comfortable in accepting generosity from his partner who paid 50% of everything and more - including trips for his children, taking him to beautiful places where he would never have gone himself, buying home items to make the home beautiful and comfortable. She ensured that there was always fresh food, varied and healthy. She ensured that his son always had fresh meals - not microwave food. Not that he ever appreciated any of that. Harri Mutka took it all for granted. 

Pretending to be an "international" photographer/ architect, in Paris he tried picking up French women who refused him (and which he then complained bitterly about to his ex partner) while paying for the Brazilian's holiday and trips to Paris and London. She had him well controlled. 

Harri Mutka, with his mild appearance, was too much of a coward to tell his partner what he was going to do. Pretending until he no longer needed to, a text message sent at 11:45pm was his way of ending a relationship of years. The "advice" which Beatriz Grimaldi gave him was all there. This "has been architect" (so his boss calls him), uses women while it is convenient for him. Hollow, vacant of any emotional intelligence, he made his partner increasingly ill, abusing her mentally and emotionally. 

It even got to the point of physical violence - when he punched her after telling her that he wanted an "open relationship" and she dared to ask if that meant that she too was supposed to have another man. That of course was something Harri Mutka did not accept. It was only him who had the right to have a range of women to play around with. 

It is nothing new when men leave their wives-partners for younger women. However, Harri Mutka did more than that - by forcing his partner out of her own home, he made her leave Finland, a country where she had lived and had made her home. No justification other than his cowardness and bullying tendencies. So that he could have their home available for the Brazilian woman in Italy. 

This is not gender equality. Not in a country such as Finland where women have equal rights. 

Harri Mutka - a man who makes women homeless by obeying the orders of Beatriz Grimaldi. Harri Mutka who makes a woman homeless in the midst of a viral pandemic. A pandemic which he is above and makes fun of. 

Finland is a beautiful, fair country. It is men such as Harri Mutka, with his shady history of using and abusing women until he finds a new woman to use, that need to be known. 

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi Makes Women Homeless


This is Beatriz Grimaldi - a Brazilian who claims to be based in Bologna where she preys for married men on Facebook and Instagram. 

In 2020, Beatriz Grimaldi had an affair for months with Harri Mutka - an architect in Tampere, Finland. They would text every evening at the same time - of which Beatriz Grimaldi even posted about her nightly talks on Instagram. 

Having made her way into being a "friend", Beatriz Grimaldi groomed Harri Mutka into leaving his family. In July 2020, when Harri went to Paris for 3 weeks, Beatriz Grimaldi was there immediately with him. Being unemployed, it was Harri Mutka who paid for her trips to Paris and London. 

While demanding "discretion" about her open relationship with Harri Mutka, Beatriz Grimaldi had no problem in publicly posting pictures from exactly the same places as Harri Mutka - yet then, she cried out for discretion. 

Discretion? Like the the "discretion" of grooming a man who she knew that had a family and a long term relationship? "Discretion" in convincing Harri Mutka to throw out his partner from her home - the home she owns 50% of?

This woman, Beatriz Grimaldi,  claims to "care" about homeless woman. Beatriz Grimaldi has a YouTube channel with videos on homeless woman in Sao Paulo. There are also 2 blogs about the homeless women in Sao Paulo. Nevertheless, she has no qualms in making women - women she knows nothing about nor has ever met - homeless. 

Proclaiming herself as an "artist" who "cares" about homeless women, the question needs to be asked: who gives anyone the right to make women homeless? Does this Beatriz Grimaldi have the right to make women homeless? To steal their homes?

Who gives the right to women to destroy families, to destroy lives, to pretend to be a "victim" of her own actions?

Because that is exactly what Beatriz Grimaldi does - she will surround herself with old men who she will pressure to pay for her. 

It may be  acceptable  to some people, that younger women should be able to destroy lives and families.  It may be acceptable to  some people, to lie, to scheme, to plot and manipulate men for the sake of their ego. After all, younger women are supposedly more appealing. 

Is it acceptable to make women homeless as Beatriz Grimaldi did, in the midst of a viral pandemic?

Is it acceptable for women such as Beatriz Grimaldi to play the card of "friend" when in fact she knew nothing of Harri's family life , other than lies? (because Harri Mutka is a compulsive liar when it comes to women). 

Isn't it time that women such as Beatriz Grimaldi, who destroy lives , should be known for what they really are? After all, with their planned intention, they should be able to be accountable for what they do and how they harm others. 

The fact remains: Beatriz Grimaldi is a predator of older, married men; she uses these men as puppets to support her financially, she schemes and plots intentionally until she gets what she wants - financial gain in exchange to the ruin of women's lives.  Veiled behind lies and false narratives, this person who says she is based in Bologna, will stop at nothing. Nothing matters but her own aims and targets. 

And that includes destroying lives of others. 

Destroying marriages, relationships, families, may be acceptable to some. 

Stealing homes, throwing home owners out to the streets, making women homeless with intention is a violation of human rights. 

Uncovered Webs of Lies

 It doesn't take much to lie.  It doesn't take much to pretend to be a "victim" and not disclose one's actions, one...