Monday, 22 August 2022

Twisted Truths, Malevolent Morals

 There are fewer twisted truths than those of a home-wrecker. Just ask Beatriz Grimaldi

who uses Bologna as a base to hunt, prey, target and groom older men to leave their families. 

Elevating herself to be some kind of worshipped "artist", this is a woman who is unknown except as a ruthless  home-wrecker and liar. 

Beatriz Grimaldi considers herself above everyone and everything - why? Simply because she can fool everyone with twisted truths, also known as lies. 

Having written a couple of short stories about women who lose everything in life, it was her intention to put that into practice, i.e. making a woman lose everything in life. That cold malevolence is what you find behind the act of being an "artist". Usurping another woman's home and life, flaunting her actions and then crying out WOLF! WOLF! in sheep's clothing. 

A female narcissist like no other, this woman sets out to destroy lives, then plays victim of her own actions. There is no limit to her lies. As long as she can manipulate the public, while hiding the truth of what she does, that is enough for her. No ethics, no morals necessary. 

Female narcissists tend to want what others have and spare no thought for the damages they may cause. In the case of Beatriz Grimaldi, grooming a married man to leave his family, dishing out "advice" about his private life (where she never was) is all good practice. However, she was caught lying - lying about wanting "discretion" when flaunting her success of driving the man away from his family. Twisted truths. The truth of images and the lies of a narcissist. 

Yet this woman still considers herself above everyone and all ethics. Strident and overemphasising her "importance", she stops at nothing until cold blood is imprinted on her hands. Because she knows the truth beneath the lies. She knows what she did that summer. She knows. 

There may be few perfect marriages, few marriages that never have rough patches. 

That does not justify the actions of a home-wrecker who operates internationally. Intentionally and knowing exactly what she is doing. 

Twisted truths. Home-wreckers such as Beatriz Grimaldi will scream and squirm, twisting truths to their advantage, pretending to be victims when in fact they are responsible for destroying lives. 

Female narcissists are never accountable. 

Female narcissists thrive by twisted truths and the lies they spin. 

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