Showing posts with label gold digger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gold digger. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Uncovered Webs of Lies

 It doesn't take much to lie. 

It doesn't take much to pretend to be a "victim" and not disclose one's actions, one's premeditated actions and intentions.  As long as there are sycophants to clap, as long as one shrieks loud enough.  Truth cannot be known. 

Those are common traits of female narcissists - females who do everything to get their way, whether by deceit or lies, it does not matter to them. These are women such as Beatriz Grimaldi who prey and groom men to leave their families and then, after boasting about their "success", still demand silence from those who know the truth. Silence from those who have born the brunt of their devious and sociopathic behaviour. 

Truth troubles liars. 

Especially liars who get caught. 

Especially liars who know that their actions and lies are known. 

So all truth must be shut down, silenced, thus enabling liars to continue weaving their web of lies. Webs and webs of lies and deceit. 

Not all webs of lies are buried in silence 

Why should webs of lies be buried in silence? 

Silence only benefits abusers, homewreckers and narcissists who cause harm to others. 

Intentionally. Knowingly. Ruthlessly. 

The harm, the deceit, the lies - all deception, , usurping another woman's life, her home, her family, leaving women homeless - Beatriz Grimaldi knows well. 

The female predator,  Beatriz Grinaldi knows very well that she is a predator and as many female narcissists, will not tolerate that the truth is uncovered. 

Monday, 22 August 2022

Twisted Truths, Malevolent Morals

 There are fewer twisted truths than those of a home-wrecker. Just ask Beatriz Grimaldi

who uses Bologna as a base to hunt, prey, target and groom older men to leave their families. 

Elevating herself to be some kind of worshipped "artist", this is a woman who is unknown except as a ruthless  home-wrecker and liar. 

Beatriz Grimaldi considers herself above everyone and everything - why? Simply because she can fool everyone with twisted truths, also known as lies. 

Having written a couple of short stories about women who lose everything in life, it was her intention to put that into practice, i.e. making a woman lose everything in life. That cold malevolence is what you find behind the act of being an "artist". Usurping another woman's home and life, flaunting her actions and then crying out WOLF! WOLF! in sheep's clothing. 

A female narcissist like no other, this woman sets out to destroy lives, then plays victim of her own actions. There is no limit to her lies. As long as she can manipulate the public, while hiding the truth of what she does, that is enough for her. No ethics, no morals necessary. 

Female narcissists tend to want what others have and spare no thought for the damages they may cause. In the case of Beatriz Grimaldi, grooming a married man to leave his family, dishing out "advice" about his private life (where she never was) is all good practice. However, she was caught lying - lying about wanting "discretion" when flaunting her success of driving the man away from his family. Twisted truths. The truth of images and the lies of a narcissist. 

Yet this woman still considers herself above everyone and all ethics. Strident and overemphasising her "importance", she stops at nothing until cold blood is imprinted on her hands. Because she knows the truth beneath the lies. She knows what she did that summer. She knows. 

There may be few perfect marriages, few marriages that never have rough patches. 

That does not justify the actions of a home-wrecker who operates internationally. Intentionally and knowing exactly what she is doing. 

Twisted truths. Home-wreckers such as Beatriz Grimaldi will scream and squirm, twisting truths to their advantage, pretending to be victims when in fact they are responsible for destroying lives. 

Female narcissists are never accountable. 

Female narcissists thrive by twisted truths and the lies they spin. 

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Why Work?


 Why work when you can simply do as this Beatriz Grimaldi who hunts, preys, targets and grooms older men to leave their families?

Beatriz Grimaldi spends months grooming older men to leave their families. Then, despite being unemployed, rushes to catch a flight to meet them. And beg for more trips. 

This woman knows exactly what she is doing; she knows the older man has a family and a partner/wife but that does not stop her. She will spend months "advising" him about family affairs she has never witnessed nor truthfully knows about. It does not matter to her. Beatriz Grimaldi considers herself above all that. What is important is that she succeeds in influencing the man to treat his partner/wife like garbage, to the point of kicking her out of her own home - and in the midst of a global pandemic no less. 

Meanwhile she will continue travelling with him, paid for by him and continue influencing him . What follows after stealing the family home away from the partner/wife who owns 50% ?

Threats. And more threats, After flaunting what she has done on SM - where she catches her prey - she will scream out for police, lawyers and threats. The truth cannot be known. Whoever knows the truth must have be put in prison, far, far away where whoever knows the truth can be silenced forever. 

Off with her head! Off with her head!

That is what Beatriz Grimaldi who uses Bologna as a base , is like. She is above all morality, above everyone. The self proclaimed "artist" who considers herself untouchable and for whom rules and ethics do not apply.  An "artist" who boasts about unfocused images being "art" because they capture the shadow of a lover who she stole from another woman. Art??? 

Beatriz Grimaldi's "art" is being a professional home-wrecker and gold digger. Her "art" is lying, hiding evidence after publicly boasting about it. Her "art" is usurping the lives of other women. 

Why work? 

Why be honest?

No need. 

Live off men. Sleep with older men to achieve social status and benefits. Destroy the lives of others because it suits you .  Usurp the life of another woman, take her husband, take her home, then after boasting and flaunting it all, cry out with threats to silence those who know the truth.  Do everything to silence those who know the truth. 

No need to work. 

Saturday, 6 August 2022

In Cold Blood


The woman known as Beatriz Grimaldi - a woman from Brazil who uses Bologna as a base to hunt, prey, target and groom older men to leave their families. 

This Beatriz Grimaldi targets her prey well; they are all older men, professionals, unlike herself. 

This woman claims to be an "artist" yet no one has heard of her. This woman claims to be a "social event planner" yet has no qualifications for such a position - other than manipulating and selling herself to those who can give her such a job. 

This woman quickly flew to Paris to meet the man she had been grooming for months. Unemployed but still went running to Paris and then begged to be taken to London. 

As Covid spread around the world, Beatriz Grimaldi was not affected; Harri Mutka gladly paid her trips to Venice, around Italy, around Europe and  to Sri Lanka and Mauritius. All wonderfully flaunted by Beatriz Grimaldi but paid for by Harri Mutka. Lot of "love" must be sprinkled on Social Media for all the paid trips. 

This is a woman who acts in cold blood. Beatriz Grimaldi grooms older men for months on social media. Once the men leave their families, she rushes to meet them, persuades them to kick their wives out of the family home (regardless whether the wife owns 50% or not), influences men to threaten and further abuse their families. 

In Cold Blood. 

This is a woman with a history of abusing women, despite her claiming to "care" about homeless women. This is a woman who does not need to work her way up in the world - so much more comfortable to lie on your back, pretend being some kind of "artist" and have men from other women pay for you. 

In Cold Ruthless Blood. 

She flaunts what she does and then, when it is public, will cry out for police and lawyers while hiding public evidence. 

Female narcissists are manipulative and liars. 

Friday, 5 August 2022

Beatriz Grimaldi Based in Bologna


The homewrecker who targets older men - She preys, she hunts, she target and grooms older men to leave their families. For months. Intentionally. Knowing exactly what she is doing. 

Female narcissists know exactly what they do. 

And then rushes off to Paris to meet them and begs for trips to London and elsewhere. Harri Mutka obliges. After all, one must pay for whores. 

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi - Bologna


Pretends to be an artist?


pretends to be a professional social event planner?


Pretends to be Mother of all Buddhas?


Pretends to be compassionate?



Beatriz Grimaldi is a home wrecker who uses Bologna as a base to prey on FB and IG for married men. She will spend months grooming them, persuading and advising them to leave their families. 

Once she has succeeded, she will boast about what she did and cry out for "discretion". Discretion??? After publicly posting the same image as the man she is with and whose marriage she intentionally and knowingly destroyed?

Is this compassion?

For people who lie,  it may be. 

Reality is different. 

Reality is what people actually do. Ruthlessly, systematically destroying lives of others. 

And then boasting about what they did and do.  

Not a shadow of human compassion. 

Not a shadow of being human. 

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi the Gold Digger


Gold digger - definition:

a person who forms relationships with others purely to extract money from them, in particular a woman who strives to marry a wealthy man.

Gold digger in Bologna who operates across borders as she preys for married men on FB and IG: Beatriz Grimaldi 

Lots of love and hearts now as Harri Mutka will be receiving a lump sum soon. (a lump sum he will always regret to receive). 

Nothing like stealing a home from a woman as Beatriz Grimaldi does. 

Nothing like boasting about it publicly and then crying out what a poor "victim" she is. 

Beatriz Grimaldi is no victim. 

Beatriz Grimaldi is a gold digger who operates from Bologna on FB and IG, grooming men to leave their families. pretending to be a social event planner, her plans focus solely on the financial benefits she may receive from men - and destroying lives of other women. 

No country needs these gold diggers. Time for Beatriz Grimaldi to return to Brazil where she belongs. 

(perhaps after sucking out enough money from men in EU?)

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi the Gold Digger in Bologna

 If homewrecking were such a fantastic thing, why do homewreckers keep so silent, only claiming to be "victims" ? 

Victims? Of what exactly? 

They destroy families, they destroy lives. 

They take away another woman's home and life. 

Beatriz Grimaldi spent months grooming Harri Mutka to leave his family. 

Beatriz Grimaldi spent months telling Harri Mutka what to do in the guise of "advice". 

Did she pay towards any home expenses? Negative.

 Did she pay towards his children? Negative. 

Did she take away the family home by convincing Harri Mutka to kick out his partner (who owns 50%)? Positive. 

Beatriz Grimaldi made it all public as well - her images, her poems (very poor quality but she calls them poems), her public posts about their long, nightly conversations. Those conversations were clockwork every day. Same time. Every. Night. 

But.. "she giggled so cutely!" according to Harri Mutka who had left for Paris on lies and deceit. 

Harri Mutka had still made future plans for his return; he still encouraged items for the family home while already with other women in Paris and paying Beatriz Grimaldi trips and holidays. 


Since when are gold digging homewreckers  "cute"? 

Victims? Of what?

Of the truth of their deceit and harm to others which is known, after they themselves flaunted it all in public. 

Uncovered Webs of Lies

 It doesn't take much to lie.  It doesn't take much to pretend to be a "victim" and not disclose one's actions, one...