Friday, 9 July 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi - Con Artist in Bologna


There are different kinds of con women. 

Beatriz Grimaldi is the kind who hunts for old, married men on FB and instagram, pretends to give "advice" and grooms them for months. (Harri Mutka is her latest man to pay for her). 

Beatriz Grimaldi spent months grooming Harri Mutka. At the earliest opportunity she complained that she didn't have anywhere to spend her holidays in summer 2020 - where else but to fly to Paris and have Harri Mutka pay for her trips to Paris and London? 

It's easy when you don't have to pay half for children who are not yours. Easier still when you do not have to take abuse and mistreatment from children who are not yours. 

"Love" is easy when there is Harri Mutka to pay for holidays and trips around Italy and Europe. "Love" is easy for con artists who use men to support their egos and thrills of chase. Seducing a married men - who Beatriz Grimaldi knew so well that he was - is a sport for female predators. Seducing a narcissist is easy when the women herself is a narcissist who needs to have her ego constantly fed by old men. Old men? Of course. They are the easiest to manipulate. That is exactly what this Brazilian in Bologna does - surround herself with old men who will bow and do what she wants. 

It is time that women who destroy lives through social media are known. They will stop at nothing to have their egos pampered, their trips and holidays paid for. Manipulating men is a hobby. Convincing men to leave their families, to take the family home for the gain of themselves is nothing but a sport for women such as Beatriz Grimaldi. 

Monday, 5 July 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi - The Other Woman

 Beatriz Grimaldi, the self-proclaimed "artist" in Bolgona, who trawals FB and Instagram, preying on married men. Not any man - but a man who she thinks will bring her some kind of "artistic" prestige. and financial gain.  

And so she groomed Harri Mutka from Tampere. Grooming took time and plenty of advice for him to leave his family. Many late night talks, though all denied (despite having boasted about these conversations on Instagram). 

Beatriz Grimaldi did everything intentionally and purposefully. From posing as a "friend" who gave advice to the woman who then ran to Paris to meet Harri Mutka. many trips and holidays have followed. London, Venice among others. 

To women like Beatriz Grimaldi, who claim to care about homeless women, stop your lying. 

You will always be the other woman who needs to be paid for. You will always be the woman who destroyed a family for the sake of your ego and wishing to have paid holidays and trips. 

You will always be the woman who has no care for other women, no respect for other women who you have never met. You will always be the woman who made another women homeless. 

And you will never be the only woman. 

You will be the woman who destroys families and lives of others. 

You will always be a female predator. 

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi - Ossos de Princesa and Harm to Others


Did you really run out of men in Sao Paulo?

Were there not enough men for you in Bologna?

Did you really need to destroy lives in Tampere? For the sake of your ego? for the sake of trips and holidays paid for by Harri Mutka?

Or for the sake of adding to you list of achievements? Ruining lives, living off lies, deceit and harm to others? 

By ruining a family, you stole past, present and future. 

By ruining a family, by grooming a man to throw out the co-owner of their home, you leave everything in a dustbowl of raw bones. You are no princess. You are not above anyone else. 

Yet you have no qualms in behaving as such. As if the world owes you. But it is the men who pay for you - not your honest work. Adultery on social media is cheap. Adultery on social is easy. 

What is not that easy is making a home for others. For caring, for thinking of others. For putting others before yourself. For paying for others. For their comfort and well being. 

For the sake of love?

Love is easy when someone else is paying for you. When there are no dull routines. When you are not taking care of others, but are being paid for. 

Vain, haughty, wilful in using older men to satisfy your need of relevance, that too is not love.

Neither is your photography which is so unoriginal and copies others. 

Female predators are no princesses. 

Female predators like Beatriz Grimaldi leave behind a trail of dusty bones. 

Dusty bones left to rot from the harm she causes. 

Friday, 2 July 2021

The Harm of a Narcissist called Harri Mutka


Narcissists have different lives. They live their lives easily in shadows of deceit. Two-faced and appearing to be what most people believe, Harri Mutka is a prime example of a man who is a blank emotional narcissist  who uses and abuses women. 

He will damage women intentionally, without a care. He will hurt deeply and then treat women as if it didn't matter. 

He will accuse a woman for being creative, joyful. He will accuse a woman for being too talented, too full of life and love of life. 

Charming at first, Harri Mutka soon moves into his well known behaviour of gaslighting women and showing total lack of empathy. 

Women need to know this. 

There are different levels of abuse, emotional and mental abuse are also abuse of women.  NPD is no excuse for hurting others. NPD is no excuse to throw women out of their home. NPD is not an excuse to use and abuse women. 

Bullying a woman out of her home is an abuse of basic human rights. 

Sex Addictions - Harri Mutka and Addictions


Beatriz Grimaldi, the woman who picking up old married men on FB and Instagram is a game, a thrill so long as the men pay for her trips and holidays. 

A woman who has no problem in destroying the lives of others as long as she gets paid. A woman who will pretend and lie to get what she wants, regardless of the lives she destroys, especially women's lives. A woman who claims to care about homeless women but she herself makes women homeless.

Cold,  calculating, acting with precision to achieve her aims, nothing stops her and her pretence of being "innocent". She knew all the time what she was doing. 

Beatriz Grimaldi is the "artist" in Bologna who is a predator of old men for her own pleasure and gain. Wrapped in lies, there are no limits to what she will do. 

And then there is Harri Mutka. An architect in Tampere, addicted to porn, addicted to using and abusing women. His history of women is nothing short of that. Ask the mother of his children in Tampere. Ask his ex-wife who tried killing him with a long kitchen knife - what were her reasons? How did Harri Mutka drive her to that point? After all, he paid for her and her 2 daughters. 

Yet Harri Mutka plays the game of being "innocent", a "victim" of women. 


He exploited his ex-partner. He made her ill, abandoned her when she was ill with depression and proceeded in gaslighting her, mentally and emotionally abusing her in every possible way. 

He played his game with ease and sophistication. One day he was pleasant while the next day he would watch as she prepared meals for him that he would not touch. He spoke of the future, taking into account her working schedule, then ignored it all by not returning home. 

He refused to answer calls, even when his daughter who was studying in Stockholm was hospitalised. Harri Mutka is well controlled by Beatriz Grimaldi as long as he continues paying for her trips and holidays. 

People such as these, addicted to harming others, hurting others, exploiting others should be known. 

When the world is burning up with so much pain, individuals such as these have no rights to cause further pain. It is not leaving an older woman for a younger woman - that is a common cliche. It is the abuse that Harri Mutka inflicts on women and then tries to hide. 

Harri Mutka - The Empty Architect in Tampere, Finland


This is the image he sent on his way to Paris. 

This is the face he hid, joyful, as he was going to meet up with the woman who had picked him on FB and Instagram. 

This is the man who lied about his trip to Paris. 

He was supposed to spend 3 weeks in Paris, had even promised a trip to Denmark in September, but that was never to be. 

Just as returning, was never to be. 

Harri Mutka did return but only after bullying and threatening his partner of years, out of their home. A home of which she owns 50%. A home which was supposed to be sold, yet isn't. 


Because Harri Mutka is only interested in a quick sale to cover his debts and to keep paying for his Brazilian pick in Italy. It suits Harri Mutka to have a woman pick him in Italy - this is not new. 

Harri Mutka, in all his cowardness and pride in being a bully, also is known for being cheap. He was always comfortable in accepting generosity from his partner who paid 50% of everything and more - including trips for his children, taking him to beautiful places where he would never have gone himself, buying home items to make the home beautiful and comfortable. She ensured that there was always fresh food, varied and healthy. She ensured that his son always had fresh meals - not microwave food. Not that he ever appreciated any of that. Harri Mutka took it all for granted. 

Pretending to be an "international" photographer/ architect, in Paris he tried picking up French women who refused him (and which he then complained bitterly about to his ex partner) while paying for the Brazilian's holiday and trips to Paris and London. She had him well controlled. 

Harri Mutka, with his mild appearance, was too much of a coward to tell his partner what he was going to do. Pretending until he no longer needed to, a text message sent at 11:45pm was his way of ending a relationship of years. The "advice" which Beatriz Grimaldi gave him was all there. This "has been architect" (so his boss calls him), uses women while it is convenient for him. Hollow, vacant of any emotional intelligence, he made his partner increasingly ill, abusing her mentally and emotionally. 

It even got to the point of physical violence - when he punched her after telling her that he wanted an "open relationship" and she dared to ask if that meant that she too was supposed to have another man. That of course was something Harri Mutka did not accept. It was only him who had the right to have a range of women to play around with. 

It is nothing new when men leave their wives-partners for younger women. However, Harri Mutka did more than that - by forcing his partner out of her own home, he made her leave Finland, a country where she had lived and had made her home. No justification other than his cowardness and bullying tendencies. So that he could have their home available for the Brazilian woman in Italy. 

This is not gender equality. Not in a country such as Finland where women have equal rights. 

Harri Mutka - a man who makes women homeless by obeying the orders of Beatriz Grimaldi. Harri Mutka who makes a woman homeless in the midst of a viral pandemic. A pandemic which he is above and makes fun of. 

Finland is a beautiful, fair country. It is men such as Harri Mutka, with his shady history of using and abusing women until he finds a new woman to use, that need to be known. 

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Harri Mutka and his Web of Shadows and Lies - Tampere

 Harri Mutka , architect in Tampere, who takes pride in his shadowed life. Pretending to be an honest person, honest as most Finns are, make no mistake - this person is deceitful as he is a bully and coward. 

Consider his history with women: the mother of his children in Tampere practically spits out poison when saying his name. She knows well how Harri Mutka mistreats women. 

His ex wife, on a trip to Prague with him, threw her wedding ring in the river. Back in Tampere, she wanted to kill him with a long kitchen knife when he was in bed. 

If you ask him why, you will get the usual reply of how women are mad, crazy, suffering from insanity. 

Isn't that what all bullies and cowards say? Isn't that the usual, stereotypical way that men speak of women they have harmed?

Harri Mutka often succeeds in his guise of making others believe how "innocent" he is. 

It is "innocent" to make a partner ill? is it "innocent" to lie, deceive, gaslight, mentally and emotionally abuse another person? Is it "innocent" to use a  woman to pay 50% for his children, to use a woman who made a home for him and his children, only to bully and threaten her out of her home (of which she owns50%)?

Is it right to throw out a co-home owner with threats and bullying when Harri Mutka has 2 flats of his own in Tampere? 

All because Harri Mutka now obeys a Brazilian "artist" in Bologna who he pays for. 

Harri Mutka has a history of abusing women and even of his professional position, promising to find jobs for Brazilian females who do not have the slightest qualifications to work at Ramboll. One such case was a female Brazilian who went to Helsinki to meet with him but as she was lesbian, Harri Mutka dropped his effort in getting her a job at Ramboll Finland. 

A sex addict, addicted to using and abusing women, to living in a swamp of lies and deceit, it is time that men who abuse, such as Harri Mutka, are known. Women need to know how pretence and deceit, harming and hurting are what Harri Mutka is all about. As long as a woman is paying 50%, as long as that payment is convenient to him, all is ok. Once a younger woman picks him up, once his lies and deceit can no longer be hidden, it will be then he will deliver the final blow. 

A text at 11:45pm ending an adult, life-long relationship. Saying that yes, he has another woman and is seeing other women. This is from a 59 year old man, not a teenager. 

As if that is not enough, he will then complain about how women in Paris did not sleep with him, how Finnish women are not good enough for him. So are Brazilian gold diggers who control all his actions, good enough?

When his daughter was ill and needed support, did he bother speaking with her? No. His time on his phone was spent with other women. Addicted to having online affairs, these women were more important to him than giving his daughter any kind of support. 

Is this man an example of sound Finnish ethical behaviour?

It is not only the deceit he engages in, but in harmful, hurtful behaviour towards women.  Through bullying, threats and rewriting narratives, Harri Mutka is a danger to women. 

Uncovered Webs of Lies

 It doesn't take much to lie.  It doesn't take much to pretend to be a "victim" and not disclose one's actions, one...