Monday, 5 July 2021

Beatriz Grimaldi - The Other Woman

 Beatriz Grimaldi, the self-proclaimed "artist" in Bolgona, who trawals FB and Instagram, preying on married men. Not any man - but a man who she thinks will bring her some kind of "artistic" prestige. and financial gain.  

And so she groomed Harri Mutka from Tampere. Grooming took time and plenty of advice for him to leave his family. Many late night talks, though all denied (despite having boasted about these conversations on Instagram). 

Beatriz Grimaldi did everything intentionally and purposefully. From posing as a "friend" who gave advice to the woman who then ran to Paris to meet Harri Mutka. many trips and holidays have followed. London, Venice among others. 

To women like Beatriz Grimaldi, who claim to care about homeless women, stop your lying. 

You will always be the other woman who needs to be paid for. You will always be the woman who destroyed a family for the sake of your ego and wishing to have paid holidays and trips. 

You will always be the woman who has no care for other women, no respect for other women who you have never met. You will always be the woman who made another women homeless. 

And you will never be the only woman. 

You will be the woman who destroys families and lives of others. 

You will always be a female predator. 

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